The Role of Bulgarian Proverbs in the Modern Family

The study is funded under Contract No КП-06-M25/4 of 12.17.2018 concluded with the Research Fund of the Republic of Bulgaria. Why do we use proverbs and what do we express with them? From the perspective of social psychology, and psycholinguistics, in particular, we use them to shape our language as a basic socialiser, as well as a form through which the past is represented in the present, while the dynamics and changes shape the future. There is currently a wide range of linguistic constructs, which represent the social heritage in the context of education and attitudes transmitted from generation to generation with an aim to successfully cope with reality, to formulate the notion of living and the living itself in terms of behaviours. This report covers several areas: Social inheritance as a form of social interaction, and particularly its element of realizing the education process through proverbs; the family as a separate institution and the messages (proverbs) on family relationships passed through the generations, describing the family and its members as a function of social relations; from the perspective of the modern expectations and irrespective of which proverbs are used, the impact of proverbs on the relationships within the family is traced as a result of already established social expectations, norms, rules and attitudes accumulated for centuries and related to the right of the individual to express opinion in social life and the right to determine one’s own destiny, which is often considered to be preordained; an attempt is made to represent through Bulgarian proverbs the way an individual from a functioning family interprets social reality according to their “pre-programmed” personal norms, conscience and morals.
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