Análisis multitemporal y de fragmentación de los parques nacionales naturales Yaigojé Apaporis, río Puré, Cahuinarí y Amacayacu entre 2007 - 2018
Natural or anthropic changes can promote fragmentation processes, which have innumerable effects on Amazonian forests. This phenomenon is dynamic and therefore through a multi-temporal and fragmentation analysis in Yaigoje Apaporis, Rio Pure, Cahuinari and Amacayacu Natural Parks. To carry out this analysis, the cartography generated by natural national parks of Colombia was used as input, specifically for the areas belonging to Yaigoje Apaporis, Rio Pure, Cahuinari and Amacayacu years 2007, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018, additionally the fragmentation indicators are obtained using V-LATE application (vector-based landscape analysis tools extension). A loss of 4319.01 ha of dense highland forest was found for the Yaigoje Apaporis park, despite this coverage shows a higher CAI index than the Yaigoje Apaporis park with 94.08%. The Rio Pure park showed a total of 12 covers, of which 11 belong to forests and semi-natural areas, finding that the dense highland forest is the coverage with the greatest decrease in area with 854.54 ha, this same coverage being the one that presented the highest index CAI with 97.55% represented in 81 core areas. The Cahuinari and Amacayacu parks showed a similar behavior, reducing the loss of natural cover in the most recent years. For the 4 natural parks under study, a greater loss of natural covers is observed between the years 2007-2012, this decrease is attenuated as the years advance to 2018, where the fragmentation metrics indicate a high degree of conservation of coverage, however replicating this analysis at a more detailed scale will help to have a clear and close perspective on where to focus the management of these natural national parks.
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