Аналіз сучасних методів обробки зернових за критерієм ефективності

Solving the problem of processing grain material during storage is a very important issue. After all, the issue of grain losses is a priority in the world; it being under the control of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and especially for the territory of Ukraine, as Ukraine is one of the largest exporters of grain in the world. Therefore, solving the problem of sound processing of grain products on retention of their varietal properties is a currently urgent problem. Based on the analysis of the existing scientific publications and research of modern methods of processing grain products according to the criterion of efficiency in storage of grain material, the advantages and disadvantages of chemical, biological and electrophysical methods of grain processing during storage have been considered. An alternative is to use extremely high frequency and ultra-high frequency method, which has advantages over the existing electrophysical, biological and chemical treatment methods. The use of the method of extremely high frequency and ultra-high frequency of irradiation is extremely efficient against pests, as it affects living cells by destroying them from inside. The method is not counter-indicative for the human body and the biological indicators of cereals have been improved, because the method has a positive effect on the processed grain by stimulating the organelles of the seed cell and satisfying the modern needs of agriculture. The article forms a table with the analyzed methods of seed treatment, which includes the advantages and disadvantages of each method. The data presented in the materials of the article can be used to effectively choose the method of processing depending on the conditions and subsequent use of grain
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