Use of fibrin glue in connection with a free gingival transplant

: The case in question is a 20-year-old woman who previously had an operation performed including extraction of the first premolars and back-moving of the front section of the maxilla. Half a year postoperatively a gingival retraction and sequestration of osseous tissue occurred. To shape a new zone of attached gingiva, a free mucosal transplant was removed with a Mucotome from the palate and placed on the prepared recipient area. Instead of using the traditional suturing technique the transplant was fixed with fibrinsealer (Tisseel). Within a few minutes the transplant was firmly attached to the underlying tissue. The healing procedure did not show the common desquamation of the epithelium, probably because of a quick establishment of a sufficient nutrition. After 1 month a firm zone of keratinized gingiva was established. There was no cosmetic indication to cover the denuded root surface.
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