El gasto público y su impacto en la inversión privada (efecto desplazamiento) en el Perú 1990:01 - 2015:04.

This research has as main objective to determine the impact of public spending on private investment (displacement effect) in Peru in the period 1990: 01-2015: 04. This will have a clearer idea of the impact that may constitute public spending on private investment. If there is a complementary effect of public spending on private investment, we talk about crowding in; however, if government spending merely displace private investment talk about crowding out. the following problem arises: What is the impact of public spending on private investment in Peru, during the period 1990: 01-2015: 04? The hypothesis formulated indicates that public spending has an impact on the behavior of private investment in Peru, over the period 1990: 01-2015: 04. The methodology followed, both for information and for analyzing the data obtained, involved recourse to statistics provided by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru and the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance. The analysis of the variables was performed using the Microsoft Excel 2013 program and the econometric model error correction (MCE). The results of the econometric analysis validate the null hypothesis, which considers that public expenditure has an impact on private investment. The correlation analysis indicate that for every 1% increase government spending, private investment is increased by 0.27%. In addition, analysis of normal distributio
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