Propuesta de plan de manejo para la microcuenta del río Manzano mediante la línea base ambiental, apoyada por el uso de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG)

Watershed management plans are activities guidelines that are used to organize the activities that are carry out in a watershed and thus achieve a sustainable use of its resources and a better quality of life of the people living in it. The proposed Management Plan is carried out through the use of GIS tools; the first step is to get a diagnosis of abiotic, biotic and socio-economic components, these components are analyzed by weighting, and then through algebraic operations we are able to obtain the Ecological-Economic Zoning, this constitutes a fundamental part of the management plan for the Manzano river micro-watershed Ecological-Economic Zoning is generated with the ecological value, environmental sensibility and the analysis of the socio-economic components of the micro-watershed, with the obtained results, it is possible to carry out the managing programs for each zone and to propose solutions to conflicts and retain the capabilities found in the micro-watershed and a better way of living for the communities with the environment in the area.
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