Peacebuilding: Lessons for Afghanistan?

Summary ISSN 0805-505XISBN 82-8062-021-4This report examines lessons from previous peacebuildingefforts in Afghanistan, and from other countries, in order tohighlight issues of central relevance for the present phase ofpeacebuilding and economic recovery. It consists of twopapers commissioned by the Norwegian Ministry of ForeignAffairs. The report argues that the most promising strategyis to strengthen national institutions. At the same time, thereport warns against a rapid infusion of funds forreconstruction, and proposes a careful start with a long-termperspective. Placing a large assistance package on the tableat the present time may encourage a fight over “the spoils ofpeace”, and entrench the power of the warlords.There is no blueprint for peacebuilding based on experiencesfrom other countries, but relevant lessons are neverthelessfound. Innovation, risk-taking and flexibility are importantin formulating strategies. Most important in Afghanistan isto establish institutions that will prevent future conflictamong the victors. Employment generation and externalbudget support to core state functions are essential, whilesecurity sector reforms will be difficult and require a long-term approach. The modest UN mission will leave a “lightfootprint”, but other actors seem to counteract this positivefeature.
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