Kidney transplantation with grafts from type III Maastricht death cardiac donors

Kidney transplantation (KT) with kidneys from death cardiac donors (DCD) is a growing trend in Spain. The majority of these kidneys come from type II Maastricht patients, although in recent years, organ donations from patients awaiting cardiac arrest following limitation of life-sustaining therapy has already been in practice in certain European and North American countries, involving type III Maastricht patients. We present a series of 6 KT using kidneys obtained from DCD as a consequence of limitation of life-sustaining therapy in three different hospitals in the sector of Malaga. After agreeing upon a protocol for evaluating the potential of a patient for organ donation after the decision for limiting life-sustaining therapy, the patients’ families were given the option of organ donation. Kidneys were preserved using a Porges double balloon catheter, which was placed prior to cardiac arrest. In two cases, the limitation of life-sustaining therapy took place in the intensive care unit, and in the third case, in the operating room. The interval between limitation of life-sustaining therapy and cardiac arrest ranged between 15 minutes and 40 minutes, with an interval of circulatory arrest prior to perfusion of 5-11 minutes. Perfusion-cooling of the kidneys was initially carried out using saline solution, followed by organ preservation solution (Celsior
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