Special state machine based on Dynamic Lattice Liquid model

Predictive description of the synthetic processes leading to complex macromolecules requires consideration of the spatial models. Hierarchical, structural and dynamic complexities of such systems require new methodological developments. The presented work provides effective tools for the modelling of the complex synthetic processes in the 3D space under controlled conditions. We propose construction of a parallel state machine which realizes the 3D architecture and the cooperative dynamics based on the Dynamic Lattice Liquid (DLL) model. This can create new standards in the spatial resolution of the models allowing simulations of the systems comparable in sizes and complexity with the biological cells in the future. Index Term - Liquid dynamics, Monte Carlo simulations, FPGA, Dedicated state machine. I. INTRODUCTION During the last years the computer simulations became one of the fundamental investigation instruments, especially in the field of complex physical systems. However, such techniques meet serious difficulties. On the one hand these are natural limitations connected with the time scale and the size, on the other hand these are the difficulties that results from the conception of used algorithms which do not always represent the real physical situation. In this paper we present the conception of parallel state machine which is based on the DLL model. That device consists of large number logic units which are working together and executing the algorithm based on DLL model. Our way of proceeding arise from the full conviction, which is in majority documented, that such natural representation exists between the parallelism in the physical world and the parallelism which can be realized in the artificial way by using the special parallel machine (1, 2). The algorithm based on the Dynamic Lattice Liquid model works as an agent which connects these two worlds. Moreover, utilization of the parallelism in this kind of problems seems particularly advisable, because even if the size of the considered system increases significantly, it will not lead to critical increase of the computations time. This time is practically determined only by the time of algorithm executing by the single processor.
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