Pre-partum Prolapse in a Deccani ewe and its Surgical management

A pregnant Deccani ewe was presented with protrusion of mass through the vulva in sitting posture. On through clinico-gynaecological examination, it was found that the mass propeling out of vulval cleft was the cervix of a healthy gravid uterus. To avoid posterior straining, the animal was given epidural anesthesia in the first inter coccygeal space. The mass was lifted and urine was relieved by catheterization. The prolapsed mass was washed and cleaned with mild potassium permagnate solution and then applied with ice cubes. After reduction, lignocaine jelly was applied and the prolapsed mass was re-positioned. Purse string sutures were applied on the vulval lips to prevent the recurrence. The therapeutic management included inj. Calcium gluconate and inj. Isoxsuprine and supportive therapy for five days. The ewe made an uneventful recovery and normal delivery was observed.
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