Hardiness, coping, and burnout in the nursing workplace

Relationships among hardiness, coping approach, and burnout were studied in a sample of 440 nurses. Within each of the coping approaches used, subjects with greater hardiness reported less stress in the form of burnout than did those with less hardiness (F = 36.21, df = 1, P = .001). Subjects using direct-active coping (changing the stressor, confronting the stressor, finding positive aspects in the situation) had the lowest burnout scores, and those using direct-inactive coping (ignoring the stressor, avoiding the stressor, leaving the stressor) had the highest ( t = 2.267, df = 437, P x 2 analysis identified independence between hardiness and coping approach. Analysis of variance identified no interaction between hardiness and coping behavior categories for burnout; however, the lowest burnout scores were encountered among nurses with greater hardiness who used direct-active coping behaviors. These findings suggest that both hardiness and direct-active coping approaches can be used independently or in concert to reduce burnout. Rationale is provided for preparing practitioners to engage in problem-solving approaches, assertive interaction, and active and direct methods of conflict resolution.
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