Criticality and doppler reactivity worth uncertainty due to resolved resonance parameter errors; Formula for sensitivity analysis

Reactivity uncertainties such as effective multiplication factor can be estimated by the sensitivity coefficients of the infinitely diluted cross section and resonance self-shielding factor to the changes of resonance parameters of interest. In the present work, the uncertainties of the resolved resonance parameters for the evaluated nuclear data file JENDL-3.2 were estimated on the basis of Breit-Wigner Multi-level formula. The resonance self-shielding factor based on NR-approximation is analytically described. Reactivity uncertainty evaluation method for the effective multiplication factor keff, temperature coefficient alpha, and Doppler reactivity worth rho is developed by means of the sensitivity coefficient against the resonance parameter. Final uncertainties are estimated by means of error propagation law using the level-wise uncertainties. Preliminary uncertainty of Doppler reactivity worth results about 4% at the temperature 728 K for large sodium-cooled FBR.
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