ABSTRAK ANALISIS MIKROSTRUKTUR DAN KEKERASAN INGOT Zr-1%Sn-(0,1;1%%)Fe-1%Nb-(x%)Mo DENGAN VARIASI Mo . Untuk memenuhi persyaratan derajat bakar yang tinggi dari elemen bakar maka harus diikuti peningkatan unjuk kerja kelongsong bahan bakar sehingga perlu dilakukan pengembangan material kelongsong berbasis Zr. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh penambahan Mo terhadap mikrostruktur dan kekerasan paduan Zr-1%Sn-(0,1%;1%)Fe-1%Nb-(x%)Mo. Analisis dilakukan pada sampel paduan Zr-1%Sn-0,1%Fe-1%Nb dan Zr-1%Sn-1%Fe-1%Nb serta kedua paduan yang masing-masing sudah ditambah dengan Mo dengan variasi antara 0,1% - 1,0%. Pengamatan mikrostruktur dengan alat mikroskop optik dan uji kekerasan menggunakan Micro Vickers Hardness . Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini adalah diameter butir paduuan  Zr-1%Sn-(0,1%)Fe-1%Nb-(x%)Mo terhadap perubahan komposisi Mo menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi kadar Mo menyebabkan penurunan diameter butir dan peningkatan kekerasan. Penambahan Mo diatas 0,3% peningkatan kekerasannya rendah dan cenderung stabil sehingga penambahan Mo diatas 0,3% kurang efektif. Pada paduan Zr-1%Sn-(1%)Fe-1%Nb-(x%)Mo, penambahan Mo yang paling efektif adalah maksimum 0,5%. Kata kunci : mikrostruktur, kekerasan , kekuatan mekanik, paduan Zr-Sn-Fe-Nb. ABSTRACT MICROSTRUCTURE AND HARDNESS ANALYSIS OF Zr-1%Sn-(0,1%;1%)Fe-1%Nb-(x%)Mo INGOT WITH VARIATION OF Mo . To meet the requirements of high burnup of the fuel element, it must be followed by the increase performance of fuel cladding material. So , the development of Zr-based cladding materials should be done. The purpose of this research is to study the influence of Mo addition on the microstructure and hardness of Zr-1%Sn-(0,1%;1%)Fe-1%Nb-(x%)Mo alloy . Analyses were performed on Zr-1%Sn-0.1%Fe-1%Nb and Zr-1%Sn-1%Fe-1%Nb alloy. Mo was added to both of the samples with variations between 0, 1% - 1.0% and each sample was also analyzed. Microstructural observations were done using optical microscopy and hardness test using Vickers Micro Hardness Tester. The results of the experiment show that the grain diameter of  Zr-1%Sn-(0.1%)Fe-1%Nb-(x%)Mo alloy is changing along with the changes of Mo composition. The more addition of Mo cause decrease in grain diameter and increase the alloy hardness. It is also observed that the addition of Mo above average 0.3%, the increase in hardness is not significant and tend to be stable. The addition of Mo above 0.3% is not effective. As for the Zr-1%Sn-(1%)Fe-1%Nb-(x%)Mo alloy, the most effective amount of Mo addition is 0.5%. Keywords : microstructure, hardness, mechanical strength, Zr-1%Sn-(0,1%;1%)Fe-1%Nb- (x%)Mo Alloy.
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