Explicit effect of stochastic reaction delay on gene expression

Apart from intrinsic stochastic variability, gene expression also involves stochastic reaction delay arising from heterogeneity and fluctuation processes, which can affect the efficiency of reactants (e.g., mRNA or protein) in exploring their environments. In contrast to the former that has been extensively investigated, the impact of the latter on gene expression remains not fully understood. Here, we analyze a non-Markovian model of bursty gene expression with general delay distribution. We analytically find that the effect of stochastic reaction delay is equivalent to the introduction of negative feedback, and stationary protein distribution only depends on the mean of the delay and is independent of its distribution. We numerically show that the stochastic reaction delay always slightly amplifies the mean protein level but remarkably reduces the protein noise (quantified by the ratio of the variance over the squared average). Our analysis indicates that stochastic reaction delay is an important factor affecting gene expression.
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