[Segmentary venous hypervolemia as one of the main factors of the patho-hemodynamic development and progression of chronic venous insufficiency of lower extremities in patients with varicose disease ].

: Phlebographic examinations carried out in 91 patients with varicosity and 30 healthy subjects have determined structural peculiarities of the intramuscular shin veins in health and disease. A comparison of the anatomical findings with the degree of hemodynamic abnormalities allowed to make a conclusion that intramuscular segmental hypervolemia should be considered as one of the main pathogenic links in the pathophysiological chain of the development of chronic venous insufficiency. Further elevation of supravalvate venous segmental actazia forms a relative valve incompetence at the particular level which promotes the spreading of retrograde pathological blood flow in distal direction. Blood shunting into the intramuscular shin veins is one of the compensatory mechanisms of increasing pathological hypervolemia as a cause of valve incompetence and retrograde blood flow. The procedure of evacuation from the skin veins directly depends on the effective work of the shin muscular-venous pump. Further involvement of the intramuscular veins in the pathological process, the low effectiveness of the shin muscular-venous pump results in greater dysfunction and finally forms a hypodynamic vicious circle of chronic venous insufficiency with all its manifestations.
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