Porting the MPI Parallelized LES Model PALM to Multi-GPU Systems – An Experience Report

The computational power of graphics processing units (GPUs) and their availability on high performance computing (HPC) systems is rapidly evolving. However, HPC applications need to be ported to be executable on such hardware. This paper is a report on our experience of porting the MPI + OpenMP parallelized large-eddy simulation model (PALM) to a multi-GPU environment using the directive based high level programming paradigm OpenACC. PALM is a Fortran-based computational fluid dynamics software package, used for the simulation of atmospheric and oceanic boundary layers to answer questions linked to fundamental atmospheric turbulence research, urban climate, wind energy and cloud physics. Development on PALM started in 1997, the project currently entails 140 kLOC and is used on HPC farms of up to 43200 cores. The porting took place during the GPU Hackathon TU Dresden/Forschungszentrum Julich in Dresden, Germany, in 2016. The main challenges we faced are the legacy code base of PALM and its size. We report the methods used to disentangle performance effects from logical code defects as well as our experiences with state-of-the-art profiling tools. We present detailed performance tests showing an overall performance on one GPU that can easily compete with up to ten CPU cores.
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