Assessment of internal thoracic artery grafts using duplex scanning

: In an effort to develop a noninvasive method to evaluate flow characteristics of the internal thoracic artery grafts (ITAG) after coronary artery bypass grafting, we performed duplex scanning of ITAGs of 51 patients who underwent bypass grafting. The ITAG was visualized with a duplex scanner of 7.5 MHz through the first or second left intercostal space. The visualization of the ITAG was adequate to make reliable measurements in 47 patients (92.2%). The diameter of the vessel, systolic peak velocity, and diastolic peak velocity were recorded, and systolic flow volume, diastolic flow volume, velocity ratio, flow volume ratio, and diastolic flow volume fraction were calculated. The velocity ratio, flow volume ratio, and diastolic flow volume fraction were markedly higher in the unstenotic subjects than in the stenotic subjects. In the group in which severe LAD stenosis were recognized preoperatively, both systolic and diastolic flow volumes were increased compared with moderately stenotic group. No differences in flow characteristics could be demonstrated between the subjects with old anterior myocardial infarction and without it. In 10 patients in whom flow pattern was abnormal or not identified, angiography revealed graft stenosis or predominant native coronary arterial flow. Duplex scanning is thought to be a reliable, sensitive, and noninvasive technique for the assessment of the ITAG.
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