Chiropractic Through the Eyes of Physiotherapists, Manual Therapists, and Osteopaths in The Netherlands

Objectives: To identify current perceptions and levels of awareness of chiropractic among physiotherapists, osteopaths, and manual therapists in The Netherlands. In addition, to investigate how future communication and interprofessional collaboration between the four professions may be improved in the interests of patient care as perceived by these groups. Design: Four hundred and ninety-four (494) questionnaires were distributed to 100 manual therapists, 299 physiotherapists, and 95 osteopaths across The Netherlands. Questionnaires were identical for each profession. Results: An overall response rate of 48% was achieved. The majority of practitioners reported limited knowledge of chiropractic. However, chiropractic was generally perceived as a primary health care profession most suited to extramural care. Sixty-seven percent (67%) of the manual therapists regarded it as direct competition, while 45% of the osteopaths and 48% of physiotherapists considered chiropractic complementary to their professions. ...
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