Agricoltori bio-etici in Calabria. Processi di integrazione tra reti alternative di produzione e di consumo

The bio-ethical farmers in Calabria. Processes of integration between alternative networks of production and consumption - The organic agriculture sector shows points of contact with the peasant model of farming because of the strong connection existing between production and nature. In Calabria, the incapacity of political institutions to re-modulate the EU environmental measures framework in a negotiated planning with local actors (by the Rural Development Plans) has caused the marginalization or exclusion of many small farmers. Nevertheless they have found by themselves solutions for the valorization of local productions. Drawing on the experience of the "bio-market of Nicastro", promoted by small producers adopting "ethical ways of farming", this paper aims to analyze the networks involving producers and different local actors and their actions in order to develop a negotiated agricultural framework. Key words: bio-ethical farmers; alternative networks; organic agriculture; farmers markets; peasant agriculture; self certification.
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