Süt ve Süt Ürünlerinde Ağır Metal Kirliliği

OZET Amac: Kadmiyum, kursun, civa ve arsenik gibi onemli toksik agir metaller insan sagligi icin birtehdit olarak kabul edilmektedir. Sut ve sut urunlerinde agir metal kirliligi ozellikle cevre kosullarinabagli ise de, uretim sureci sirasindaki cesitli faktorler sebebiyle de bulasma olabilecegi kabuledilmektedir. Bu calismada ulkemizde satisa sunulan sut ve sut urunlerinde agir metal seviyelerinintespit edilmesi amaclanmistir. Gerec ve Yontemler: Bu calisma Ankara’daki buyuk marketlerde satisasunulan ambalajli sutler ve sut urunleri ile Ankara’da semt pazarlarindan ve seyyar saticilardantoplanmis acikta satilan sutler ve sut urunlerini kapsamaktadir. Ambalajli sut urunleri beyaz peynir,kasar peyniri ve meyveli yogurttan, acikta satilan sut urunleri beyaz peynir ve kasar peynirindenolusmaktadir. Sut ve sut urunlerinde; civa, arsenik, kadmiyum, selenyum, baryum ve antimon agirmetallerinin miktari arastirilmistir. Bulgular: Urunler, acikta ve ambalajli satilanlar olarak gruplanmisve agir metal iceriklerinin dagilimlari incelenmistir. Ambalajli urunlerde, baryum, kadmiyum, civa,antimon ve arsenik icerigi acisindan gruplar arasinda anlamli fark saptanmistir (sirasiyla p= 0,01; 0,034;0,044; <0,01 ve <0,01). Acikta satilan urunlerde baryum, civa ve arsenik icerigi acisindan gruplararasinda anlamli fark bulunmaktadir (p<0,01). Sonuc: Sut ve sut urunleri ile ilgili ciddi bir denetimmekanizmasi gelistirilmelidir. Toplum sagligini tehdit eden urunlerin satisi engellenmelidir.Anahtar Kelimeler:Sut; sut urunleri; metaller, agirABSTRACT Objective: Heavy metals like cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic are the major toxicheavy metals posing a threat to human health. Heavy metal content of milk and dairy products areusually due to various environmental conditions, but the contamination may occur during the pro -duction process due to various factors. The aim of this study is to detect the levels of some heavymetals in milk and dairy products. Material and Methods: The present study is includes packagedmilk and dairy products offered for sale in the big supermarkets and street-vended milk and dairyproducts collected from the open street markets and street vendors in Ankara. Packaged dairy prod -ucts studied consisted of white cheese, kashar cheese and fruit yogurt while street-vended dairyproducts were white cheese and kashar cheese. The levels of mercury, arsenic, cadmium, selenium,barium and antimony were analyzed in milk and dairy products. Results: Heavy metal content dis -tributions of packaged and street-vended products are analyzed. Significant differences were de -termined between packaged products in terms of barium, cadmium, mercury, antimony and arseniccontents (p= 0.01; 0.034; 0.044; <0.01 and <0.01 respectively). There are significant differences be -tween street-vended products in terms of barium, mercury and arsenic contents (p<0.01). Conclu-sion: Powerful control mechanisms should be developed for milk and dairy products. Uncontrolledsale of these products threatens public health and thus should be avoided.Key Words: Milk; dairy products; metals, heavy
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