Visuo-auditory sensory substitution for mobility assistance: testing TheVIBE

Although the principle of vision sensory substitution has been validated for over thirty years, its potential benefit for visually impaired people still remain largely untapped. The existing devices appears inefficient with respect to the actual problems impairing the daily life of visually impaired subjects. Recent advances in the comprehension of the signal processing in the visual system and about the visual process in itself offers new pathways for the improvement of these devices. However, a pre-requisite to any inquiries in this field is the establishment of new evaluation methods to assess the behavioral effect of these devices. Such methods should take into account the end user's need, should be carried in ecological environment, and should give results in a short time scale in order to be included in the conception loop of the device. In this study, we designed an experiment which match these criteria. We tested the effect of a recent visuo-auditory substitution system named TheVIBE on the mobility performance of twenty blindfolded subjects evolving in a maze on an indoor car park. Significant results were obtained with one hour of training only.
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