Polarizability Analysis of Cubical and Square-Shaped

The polarizability characteristics of nonspherical scatterers, especially cubes and squares, are studied in this paper. A surface integral equation for the electrostatic potential has been numerically solved for a cube and a square-shaped object. Nonuniform gridding of the dielectric object has been used to get a good accuracy in the solution. The results obtained for the polarizability of cubes using the surface integral equation are compared with those obtained from the volume integral equation and show a good agreement. We give simple approximation formulas for the polarizabilities as functions of the permittivity of the inclusions. The results give an improvement compared to earlier literature and also present a way to predict the effective properties of mixtures where cube-shaped inclusions are em- bedded in dielectric environment, which type of mixtures strongly generalize the effective-medium theories of the present literature. Index Terms—Electromagnetic Scattering, electrostatic poten- tial, Method of Moments (MoM), mixing rules, polarizability.
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