Toward a National Conversation on Health: The Transformative Power of Deregulated Markets and Market-Driven Innovation

: The U.S. health care system is broken. Unhealthy behaviors, misaligned incentives, excessive regulations, and a reactive care delivery system have created an unsustainable situation for the American people. Health care reform efforts to date have focused primarily on costs, insurance coverage, and policies and regulations in an attempt to increase access, improve quality and control costs. In addition, the Affordable Care Act has created so much complexity that it is nearly impossible to determine how elements in the health care system interact or impact health outcomes. Health care is more complex than ever, with a myriad of new government regulations that must be considered when designing new models of health.New care delivery models that increase consumer choice, encourage competition through free markets, and accelerate innovation are urgently needed. The longstanding fee-for-service model of health care, which is driven by government regulation and the insurance industry, must be abandoned. In its place, the authors provide examples of several emerging market-driven innovations that are currently being implemented and evaluated for viability, replicability, and scalability. They also recommend specific environments for piloting innovative, consumer-focused models of health care, and for helping the government define a process for eventually backing out of health care in order to create a truly deregulated system.
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