
Chinese Abstract: “仲康日食”是古代著名的天文学事件,对这起具体事件的天文与文献考据由来已久, 古今学者测算其发生时间大致在前2165~前1876年之间。在《发现夏朝》一书中,详细论证了古埃及文明就是夏朝,第十三王朝后期国王默克赫佩尔就是仲康。我们通过使用开源天文软件Stellarium 发现与第十三王朝默克赫佩尔统治时期相近的公元前1700年10月20日的农历秋季,在古埃及地区上空的天蝎座(房宿与心宿)位置,果然发生了一次日食。这次天文学现象,与史书关于“仲康日食”发生的时间和位置描述“乃季秋月朔,辰弗集于房”高度吻合。这既说明“仲康日食”真实发生过,为夏朝历史的真实存在,及古埃文明就是夏朝,增添了新的天文学证据,也说明《尚书·夏书·胤征》和《竹书纪年》等上古资料具有重要的史学和埃及学价值。 English Abstract: The "Zhongkang Solar Eclipse" is a significant astronomical event in ancient times, of which a long history of extensive research and documentation exist. Ancient and modern scholars estimated the range of time for the event fall in the range of 2165-1876 BC. In the book Discovery of Xia Dynasty, it was demonstrated that the ancient Egyptian civilization was the Xia Dynasty recorded in ancient Chinese literatures, and Egyptian pharaoh Merkheperre of the late Thirteenth Dynasty was Chinese emperor Zhongkang of Xia Dynasty. Using Stellarium opensource software we found that in the lunar autumn of October 20, 1700 BC, which was close to the reign of Merkheperre of the Thirteenth Dynasty, a solar eclipse occurred in the position of Scorpio (House and Heart constellation) over ancient Egypt. This astronomical phenomenon is highly consistent with the description of the time and location of the "Zhongkang Solar Eclipse" in ancient Chinese chronicles. This indicates that the "Zhongkang Solar Eclipse" exists, adding new astronomical evidence for the existence of the Xia Dynasty and the ancient Egyptian civilization was indeed the Xia Dynasty. This finding also enhances the significance and importance of ancient Chinese chronicles such as Shangshu.Xiashu.Yinzheng and Bamboo Annals for Egyptology studies.
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