Educational activities of the UEMS board of physical and rehabilitation medicine: “World Action Plan for Initial Education in PRM (WAPIE PRM)”

letter of intention to cooperate in the fields of education, quality of care and eld of competence was signed during the Sofmer PRM congress in Mulhouse, etween the Section and Board of PRM/UEMS and the main French PRM ssociations. he French PRM associations were: Syfmer, President Dr Jean Sengler; Sofmer, President Pr Alain Yelnik; Cofemer, President Pr Pierre-Alain Joseph; Fedmer, President Dr Francis Le Moine; Annals of PRM, Editor in Chief Pr Andre Thevenon; or UEMS: PRM Section, Pr Alain Delarque, Pr Christoph Gutenbrunner and Dr Georges e Korvin; PRM Board, Pr Franco Franchignoni and Pr Jean-Michel Viton. n the framework of this agreement, Sofmer has organized three bilingual Euroean sessions per year, focusing on the topics of education, quality of care and eld of competence. new teaching programme for PRM trainees has been set up during he Sofmer congresses. Together with European School Marseille, it gives rainees another opportunity to create links and discover PRM research ctivities. ducational papers supervised by academic PRM professors have been publihed in the Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. rench PRM programmes of care have been accredited by the UEMS PRM ection. apers on the fields of competence of PRM have been published by French uthors. RM SOFMER Congress Nantes 2011 will continue to be organized on these ines.
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