E. Schrödinger’s 1931 paper “On the Reversal of the Laws of Nature” [“Über die Umkehrung der Naturgesetze”, Sitzungsberichte der preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, physikalisch-mathematische Klasse, 8 N9 144–153]

We present an English translation of Erwin Schrodinger’s paper on “On the Reversal of the Laws of Nature‘’. In this paper, Schrodinger analyses the idea of time reversal of a diffusion process. Schrodinger’s paper acted as a prominent source of inspiration for the works of Bernstein on reciprocal processes and of Kolmogorov on time reversal properties of Markov processes and detailed balance. The ideas outlined by Schrodinger also inspired the development of probabilistic interpretations of quantum mechanics by Fenyes, Nelson and others as well as the notion of “Euclidean Quantum Mechanics” as probabilistic analogue of quantization. In the second part of the paper, Schrodinger discusses the relation between time reversal and statistical laws of physics. We emphasize in our commentary the relevance of Schrodinger’s intuitions for contemporary developments in statistical nano-physics.
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