One-Shot Identity-Preserving Portrait Reenactment.

We present a deep learning-based framework for portrait reenactment from a single picture of a target (one-shot) and a video of a driving subject. Existing facial reenactment methods suffer from identity mismatch and produce inconsistent identities when a target and a driving subject are different (cross-subject), especially in one-shot settings. In this work, we aim to address identity preservation in cross-subject portrait reenactment from a single picture. We introduce a novel technique that can disentangle identity from expressions and poses, allowing identity preserving portrait reenactment even when the driver's identity is very different from that of the target. This is achieved by a novel landmark disentanglement network (LD-Net), which predicts personalized facial landmarks that combine the identity of the target with expressions and poses from a different subject. To handle portrait reenactment from unseen subjects, we also introduce a feature dictionary-based generative adversarial network (FD-GAN), which locally translates 2D landmarks into a personalized portrait, enabling one-shot portrait reenactment under large pose and expression variations. We validate the effectiveness of our identity disentangling capabilities via an extensive ablation study, and our method produces consistent identities for cross-subject portrait reenactment. Our comprehensive experiments show that our method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art single-image facial reenactment methods. We will release our code and models for academic use.
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