Medical role of first responders in an urban prehospital setting

Background: Almost all North American cities have first responder programs. To date there is no published documentation of the roles first responders play, nor of the frequency and type of interventions they perform. Many urban stakeholders question the utility and safety of routinely dispatching large vehicles emergently to calls that may not require their services. Real world data on first responder interventions will help emergency medical services (EMS) directors and planners determine manpower requirements, assess training needs, and optimize dispatch protocols to reduce the rate of inappropriate “code 3” (lights and siren) responses. Objective: Our objectives were to determine how often first responders arrive first on scene, to estimate the time interval between first response and EMS response, and to examine the frequency and type of interventions performed by first responders. Methods: In a prospective observational study, trained observers were assigned to fire department first responder (FDFR) units. These observers recorded on-scene times for FDFR and EMS units, and documented the performance of first responder interventions. Results: FDFRs arrived first on scene in 49% of code 3 calls. They performed critical interventions in 18% of calls attended and 36% of calls where they arrived first. Oxygen administration was the most frequent critical intervention, yet occult hypoxemia was common and compliance with oxygen administration protocols was poor. Conclusions: First responders perform critical interventions during a minority of code 3 calls, even when “critical” is defined generously. Many “lights and siren” dispatches are unnecessary. Future research should attempt to identify dispatch criteria that more accurately predict the need for first responder intervention. First responder training and continuous quality improvement (CQI) should focus on interventions that are performed with some regularity, particularly oxygen administration. RESUME ANALYTIQUE : Historique : Pratiquement toutes les villes d’Amerique du Nord possedent un programme d’intervention d’urgence. Jusqu’a maintenant, il n’existe aucune documentation publiee quant aux roles de ces intervenants, ni a la frequence et au type d’interventions qu’ils effectuent. Plusieurs depositaires d’enjeux en milieu urbain mettent en doute l’utilite et la securite de l’envoi d’urgence de vehicules lourds pour repondre a des appels ou leurs services ne seront peut-etre pas requis. Des donnees concretes quant aux actes des premiers intervenants aideront les directeurs et les planificateurs des services medicaux a determiner les besoins en main-d’oeuvre, a evaluer les besoins de formation et a optimiser les protocoles de repartition afin de reduire le taux de reponses «code 3» inutiles (lumieres et sirene). Objectif : Nos objectifs etaient de determiner a quelle frequence les intervenants d’urgence arrivaient les premiers sur les lieux de l’incident, d’estimer l’intervalle entre la premiere intervention et celle des SMU, et d’examiner la frequence et le type d’interventions effectuees par les premiers intervenants.
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