Intraluminal Excretion of PAF, LysoPAF, and Acetylhydrolase in Patients with Ulcerative Colitis

PAF-acether (PAF) is a phospholipid synthesized by numerous inflammatory cells. PAF can produce several pathological changes in various organs, especially in the colon. In animals PAF causes colonic ulceration and inflammation, which are similar to the anatomic lesions seen in human ulcerative colitis. The aim of this study was to measurein vivo colonic production of PAF in active ulcerative colitis using a modified colonic perfusion method. Ten patients with active ulcerative colitis and six control patients were investigated. A colonic segment was continuously perfused with a buffer and the liquid was recovered 20 cm distally, after a 45-min period of equilibration, at 20-min intervals. PAF, lysoPAF, and acetylhydrolase were measured in the colonic samples. PAF and lysoPAF outputs were significantly higher in patients with active ulcerative colitis compared to controls patients. There was a significant correlation between colonic PAF output and, respectively, macroscopic mucosal lesions and myeloperoxidase colonic output. We thus conclude: (1) the colonic perfusion method allowsin vivo study of the metabolism of PAF during ulcerative colitis and could also be used to study the efficiency of PAF antagonists in UC; and (2) colonic production of PAF is increased during ulcerative colitis and correlated to local injury and inflammation. Whether or not PAF plays a role in the pathogenesis of ulcerative colitis remains open for further investigations.
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