The role of the general practitioner and dentist in the early diagnosis of preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the oral cavity

Early detection of oral cancer allows for a 90% 5-year survival rate. Unfortunately, nowadays 60% of these tumors are detected in advanced stages with a 5-year survival of about 20%. Therefore, early diagnosis is of the greatest importance. Both the GP and the dentist have a primary role in early diagnosis and are also responsible for informing the population regarding the risk factors in oral cancer. GPs and dentists should systematically check the oral cavity mucous membranes in heavy smokers and/or drinkers above all when over 40. Lesions become suspicious when they persist for more than two weeks after detection. The high-risk pts and suspicious lesions should undergo the following diagnostic procedures: micronucleus test, vital staining, scraping and biopsy for cytological and histological examination. The above mentioned methods will increase the early diagnosis of tumours and improve its prognosis.
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