The development of the reticular lamina in the hamster: An examination of transitory features and their functional roles

Abstract This study examines the development of the reticular lamina in the Syrian golden hamster postriatally from birth to adulthood at 2 day intervals using the scanning electron microscope. During this period, numerous transitory features emerged whose roles were concerned primarily with the development of the tectorial membrane (TM). The principal findings were as follows. (1) The surface of the developing organ of Corti produced all the fibrous material composing the minor tectorial membrane (mTM) including radial and longitudinal fiber bundles which formed the skeleton of the TM, and spongy, amorphous material which formed its intervening ground substance. (2) Throughout most of the cochlear spiral, radial fiber bundles were seen extending from the microvilli of supporting cells and projecting toward the major tectorial membrane (MTM). In most of the basal turn, but not in the apical turn, these radial bundles were interwoven with longitudinal fiber bundles which emerged from the surface of Hensen's cells. These findings indicate that the architecture of the TM is more complex in the basal turn than in the apex. (3) Increases in the dimensions of the reticular lamina resulted from the emergence of pillar cell headplates and growth in the diameter of hair cells and supporting cells. The emergence of pillar cell headplates was the principal factor contributing to increases in the radial dimension of the reticular lamina. This emergence was most dramatic between 10 and 12 days after birth (DAB) after the mTM completed its growth. Since the mTM appears to be bound medially to the MTM and laterally to the marginal pillars by 10 DAB, it seems likely that the growth of the reticular lamina after 10 DAB causes some stretching of the mTM both radially and longitudinally. (4) Completion of outer hair cell stereocilia growth at 8 DAB was followed by loss of supporting cell attachments of the TM (trabeculae) by 10 DAB, and coincided with the formation of marginal pillars from the third row of supporting cells. It is suggested that the formation of marginal pillars may be required for coupling of the TM to the tips of outer hair cell stereocilia and for induction of radial tension of the mTM. (5) Removal of the marginal pillar attachments occurred following completion of hair cell growth. (6) All structures on the reticular lamina appeared to have adult-like characteristics by 20 DAB.
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