Morphological Comparison of PEI and PES Nanocomposite Membranes with Bentonite Clay

Obtaining membranes from polymer nanocomposites have attracted interest of researchers because they use low levels of charge for improvement in barrier properties. In this study, membranes from poly (imide ether) (PEI) and poly (sulfone ether) (PES) were produced by the solvent evaporation technique, using as solvent: chloroform to PEI and dimethylformamide (DMF) to PES; and the clay Brasgel PA was used as load. The results showed that, by XRD, PEI membranes have apparently a structure of micro-composites and / or interleaved structure. Those obtained with PES had an exfoliated structure and / or partially exfoliated one. However, for the composition of PES with 5% clay, there was a small shoulder, therefore demonstrating perhaps an intercalated structure and/or an exfoliated part. By SEM, it was observed that all the membranes are apparently dense, but the behavior is differentiated by changing the matrix of the membranes.
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