Vybrané otázky amnestií trestněprávních deliktů ve 20. a 30. letech 20. století ve vztahu k národnostním menšinám

The article deals with the amnesties of criminal offenses in the 1920s and 1930s in Czechoslovakia, which were related to the minority issue. First of all, it seeks to categorize and analyse common features, legal contexts and provides a brief analysis. This is a topic that interferes with the history of the constitutional, criminal, and administrative law sector. The article shows the growing importance of minority issues both in court trials of felonies and in the announcement of amnesty in the second half of the 1930s. The article also highlights the importance of international influences on the development of these amnesties. It considers that the amnesties that did not remove the harshness of the law, but only corrected the judicial decisions, were in the end ultimately counter- productive. Finally, the article intends to explore the possibilities for further research in this area.
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