Immobilization of trace metals in contaminated urban soil amended with compost and biochar.

Urban soil amendment with organic matter can increase the steady state concentration of trace metals in urban soil. Different types of organic matter have different abilities to sorb and retain trace metals. The potential of urban soil amended with compost derived from mixed green and table waste and with maple-wood-derived biochar to retain trace metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb) in the presence of de-icing salt (Na) was studied in a leaching test. Soil amended with compost retained significantly higher concentrations of Zn and Pb, as compared to soil amended with biochar, possibly due to the high cation exchange capacity of compost and its positive effect on soil pH. Indicating high ability for retaining trace metals, compost can bind contaminants originating from urban runoff water percolating through urban soil and provide a healthier medium for street tree growth.
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