Effects of Ewe Oil in Media for Mass Production of Tricephalobus (Nematoda: Rhabditida)

The Media WA 2%, WA 2% + Ewe oil, WA 2% + K2HPO4, SDA (Sabouraud 4% Dextrose Agar), SDA + K2HPO4, SDA + Ewe oil, NA, NA + K2HPO4 and NA + Ewe oil were used for mass production of Tricephalobus. One mL Ewe oil extracted from milk was added to the media 2% WA + Ewe oil and NA + Ewe oil and incubated at 25 o C for one week. The media were monitored every 24 h. Juvenile and mature nematodes in WA 2% amended with Ewe oil and the other media were counted after one week. These results showed that the reproduction of nematodes in WA 2% + Ewe oil was much more in comparison with other media. The experiment was repeated three times. These results indicated that Ewe oil was a better medium than that of cholesterol for mass production. This is the first report of using Ewe oil in mass production of this nematode and this method is advisable for it’s mass production.
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