Geographical distribution of Lasiocampidae in China and its relationship with environmental factors.

On the platform of GIS geographical distribution of Lasiocampidae in China is studied. Seven genera of Lasiocampidae are mainly distributed in south China and east China (except for individual species of Dendrolimus). Paralebeda is in the north of China (28°--40°N) while Metanastria is located in the south of China(south of 26°N); Lebeda and Hoenimnema are distributed at middle and low altitude; Distribution areas of other three genera are across wide range of latitude between 19°N and 52°N in China. Except of Metanastria, Lebeda and Paralebeda the distribution areas of pair-wise other genera are overlapped to different extent,and that between Dendrolimus, Cyclophragama and Cosmotriche are almost overlapped completely. Body length and wing width among seven Lasiocampidae genera are significantly different with Lebeda the largest and Cosmotriche the smallest. The variation of female body length is negatively correlated with the longitude of distribution center of seven genera. Relationships between distribution of every genus and annual relative humidity, annual temperature, annual radiation and Warmth index (WI) are discussed. Additionally, putative phylogeny of seven genera of Lasiocampidae are constructed.
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