Фактор біовітальності в предикативній організації англомовних дійових пісень

The article presents the features of the predicative organization of English action songs taking into account the biovitality factor. The object of the study is the English action songs, and the subject is their predicative organization, taking into account the biovitality factor. The methods of induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis, abstraction and concretization, methods of observation, classification and systematization, as well as elements of quantitative calculations are used in the article. Genre specificity of English action songs is a three-dimensional format: concept - word – action. These texts are inalienable in the child's cognition of the world, because it is action that helps to describe and show the phenomena of the environment, and song poetry reinforces imagery and plot. Predicative organization of English action songs should be described with the help of temporal, modal and personal nets. The productive tense forms in these texts revealed the present indefinite and the past indefinite, which indicates the importance of regular, repetitive actions in the life of the child and marking the sequence of events. English action songs exclude the past continuous, present, past and future perfect and perfect-continuous actions. The modal net is divided into internal and external, where the imperative mode predominates to designate instructions, commands and orders for a certain action for the implementation of which there is a huge number of language opportunities, and modal verbs are used to indicate the possibility / ability to perform an action, which is justified by the first attempts of movements of a child, the cognition of the possibilities of his / her organism – the focus on accentuation of speech intentions, the illumination of certain actions, transforming real world into unreal one. A personal net is distinguished by the use of the third person singular to describe the action, character and quality of another person or object. In English action songs, there is a tendency to emphasize a specific action that is inherent only to a certain subject, which is necessary to distinguish one subject from another.
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