A method for producing a multilayer security document

A method for producing a multilayer security document, comprising a printable substrate (30) and at least one at least partially transparent first cover sheet or an at least partially transparent cover sheet composite (10), comprising the steps of: a) at least partially coated layer of the (on a roller conveyor 100 support material (30) located) with an adhesion promoter (104) b) supplying a located (on a roller conveyor 110 located) photopolymer layer composite (20) on the side of the carrier material (30) which is provided with the bonding agent (104), wherein the photopolymer layer composite (20) from a second side with consisting of plastics covering sheet (22, 26) bonded photopolymer layer (24), wherein the photopolymer layer (24) and the second cover sheet (22, 26) are at least partially transparent and at least one region of the photopolymer layer (24) information are imprinted, c situated) Allocation which (on a roller conveyor 120) the first cover sheet (10) or itself (on a roller conveyor 120) located deck film composite (10) above the photopolymer layer composite (20) d) combining the first outer film or the cover film composite (10) of the photopolymer layer composite (20) and the carrier material (30) by means of heated pressure rollers (122) 3) punching out the single copies (by means of punch 126).
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