Utilização do extrato de Nim (Azadirachta indica) e própolis em microrganismos isolados de cães (Canis familiares) com otite

Use of the extract of Nim (Azadirachta indica) and propolis in isolated microrganims fromdogs (Canis familiares)with otitis:The canine otitis is a important disease in the practical veterinary medicine; in this manner, the knowledge of the agent(s) and its profiles of susceptibility, in the intention of establishing a directed and efficient treatment and preventing the dissemination of multiresistant bacteria). 29 samples with sterile swabs had been collected, proceeding from dogs of race, generus, age that presented clinical signals of otitis, in the Hospital Veterinarian of the UFERSA and in the clinics of the City of Mossoro-RN in the period of August 2009 until June 2010. Isolated andidentified, the microorganisms had been made the antibiogramas with conventional antibiotics and the alternative ways (Nim extract and propolis) here evaluated, through the technique of diffusion in Agar for the paper record. Considering the scarcity of referring data to the canine otitis to the treatment proceeding from natural resources in the Northeast region of the Country, this date present the resulted research for alternative ways to the treatment of the otitis with extract of Nim(Azadirachta indica) and propolis
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