Repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation combined with intensive physical therapy for gait disturbance after hemorrhagic stroke: an open-label case series

In this pilot study, we aimed to determine the safety and feasibility of a 15-day protocol consisting of in-hospital repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation (rPMS) combined with intensive physical therapy for the recovery of the gait disturbance in chronic stroke patients with lower limb hemiparesis. Seven hemorrhagic stroke patients with lower limb hemiparesis and gait disturbance (age: 50-78; time from onset of stroke: 7-107 months) were enrolled. rPMS was applied to the muscles of the paretic lower limb with a parabolic coil. A train of stimuli at a frequency of 20 Hz was applied for 3 s followed by a 27-s rest interval. Therapy with rPMS was performed with eighty such trains of stimuli (total 4800 pulses). Following rPMS therapy, 120 min of physical therapy was administrated daily. Each patient received this combination treatment over fifteen consecutive days, with the walking function of all participants assessed before and after the intervention. The proposed treatment protocol resulted in significant improvements in the walking speed, ambulation ability, and balance ability, but showed no significant effects on the endurance capacity, step length, and spasticity. No rPMS-related side effects were noted. Our protocol consisting of rPMS and intensive physical therapy appears well tolerated and feasible for therapy in hemorrhagic stroke patients with gait disturbance. Further large-scale studies are required to confirm its efficacy.
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