Education and Research - Promoting Factors for the Culture of Innovation

1. IntroductionFrom the undergone studies, we have noted that, if during the period 1971-1989 the number of students (only licensed, no master or doctorate considered) remained relatively constant, while in the period 1990-2010, the number of students increased from 164,507 to 891,000 (from whom 410,000 students are in the private sector, in the academic year 2008/2009). The number of the higher education institutions increased from 56 universities with 186 faculties in 1990 to 107 universities with 629 faculties in 2010. In the same time, the number of professors increased from 11,803 in 1990 to 27,765 in 2011; that means a growth rate of only 2.35, compared to a 5.00 increase ratio for the number of students. This led to an overcharge of the personnel involved in teaching, which later could be seen in a lower education profile.In the next academic cycles the number of students decreased continuously, so in the academic year 2012/2013, the number of students dropped to 464,000, of which 100,000 in private universities; therefore, between 2008 and 2012, the number of students decreased by 75.6 % in the private sector, and only by 24.2% in the public sector. We have to mention an additional of about 100,000 places for master and doctoral studies. (Dragoescu, 2013: 21).We have also found that the private education has a significant share in the total number of students, with a peak in the academic year 2008 - 2009 (about 45% of students studying in private universities in Romania). The share of the students by the type of specialization has been undergoing major changes since 1990, too; there is a significant decrease in the number of students in: technical education (68% in 1990 to 25% in 2011) and medical education (10% in 1990 to 4% in 2004). Significant increases were recorded in: economic education (9.46% in 1990 to 22% in 2011), medical specialization (4% in 2004 to 9% in 2011) and legal education (1.45% in 1990 to 12% in 2011).These changes in the academic system could be used to strengthen the motivational and educational tools to teach the youth, who are the future professionals, as far as the procedures demanded for a better understanding and appropriate approach of the strategies and funding solution for innovation are concerned. The possible ways for future actions are shown, based on a SWOT analysis of the whole supporting system for innovation policy, according to the literature existing in the field, as well.2. Literature ReviewBeing member of the European Union, it is therefore clear that Romania should make more efforts to stimulate and accelerate innovation. Otherwise, the country does not be able to maintain - much less to improve - its competitiveness.At this moment, our country is a modest innovator (the fourth value group and also the last in EIS) (,) in position 25 out of the 28, with results under the European average. It is characterized by inconsistency, lack of continuity, even the rates of innovation raised with more than 5% per year (Enache and Morozan, 2013: 64). In the last decade, the RD however the planned increase of the RD for instance, the experiences of the EU in organizing the research layout within consolidate programs, as FP7 (Duca, 2010: 27). …
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