O q?? do Taoismo antigo N??ij??ng e as dificuldades na transmiss??o no ocidente / The q?? of the N??ij??ng ancient Taoism and the transmission difficulties in the West

O pensamento chines da sabedoria taoista, que se desenvolveu ao longo dos tempos e atingiu maturacao no periodo classico da China durante os Reinos Combatentes (403-256 a.C.) e Han (206 a.C.-229 d.C.), influenciou o pensamento medico na elaboracao do livro taoista da medicina antiga chinesa o Classico Interno do Imperador Amarelo ( Huangdi Neij??ng ou simplesmente Neij??ng ). A nocao do qi e tema central no taoismo antigo e na medicina tradicional. Discute-se aqui a evolucao do qi nesse contexto, seu valor polissemico e as dificuldades na transmissao escrita nas traducoes ocidentais do Neijing compilado por Wang Bing (720 d.C.). Essa obra serviu e serve para se regrar os ensinamentos medicos taoistas na China e nos paises de idiomas indo-europeus. Os modelos teoricos de hibridacao e neo-figurismo de Lackner, fecundidade cultural de Jullien, intertextualidade de Genette procuram explicar as diferencas culturais, linguistico-filologicas com as dificuldades na transmissao do texto original para as traducoes ocidentais do Classico Interno, que preserva a ancestralidade da sabedoria do Imperador Amarelo. Abstract The wisdom of Chinese Taoist thought, which was developed over time and reached maturity in the classical period in China during the Warring States (403-256 BC) and Han , influenced medical thinking in drafting the Taoist book of the ancient Chinese medicine Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic ( Huangdi Neij??ng or simply Neij??ng ). The concept of qi is a central theme in Taoism and traditional medicine. It is discussed here the evolution of qi in that context, its polysemic value and the difficulties in writing transmission in Western translations of the Neij??ng compiled by Wang Bing (762 A.D.). This work has served and serves to regulate the Chinese medical teachings in China and Indo-European language countries. The theoretical models of hybridization and neo-figurism of Lackner, Julien’s cultural fecundity, Genette’s intertextuality seek to explain cultural , linguistic- philological differences with the difficulties in the transmission of the original text to the Western translations of the Inner Classic, which preserves the ancestrality of the Yellow Emperor wisdom .
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