The resolution of frustration in middle school science classes: the role of the classroom teacher

Learning science can be frustrating work, particularly in middle school, where the resolution of negative emotions like frustration is critical to empower students' successful learning and encourage positive, ongoing engagement in science. In this chapter, we examine the resolution of frustration in two case study middle school science classes. The first case explores the experiences of a Year 8 science class, and their frustration associated with completing a challenging task in a unit focused on coal seam gas mining. The second case examines the frustration experienced by a single student who struggled to understand a Year 9 chemistry topic. In both cases, the student's frustration was successfully regulated and resolved through two very different approaches adopted by their classroom teachers, which led to feelings of pride and happiness. These two cases are analysed using a model of emotion regulation, so as to understand better how these teachers' actions influenced their students’ emotions. Analyses revealed that the teachers employed different extrinsic regulation strategies that were responsive to their students' emotions and learning needs, particularly cognitive change and situation modification strategies. The findings reveal that teachers can play a very important role in supporting their students to successfully regulate their negative emotions so that learning can proceed, when it otherwise might not.
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