Effect of row spacing and sowing time on seed yield, quality parameters and nutrient uptake of guar [Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub] in semi arid climate of Southern Telanagana, India

A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2013 and 2014 to study the effect of row spacing and sowing time on seed yield, galactomannan and protein content and nutrient uptake of guar in semi arid climate of Southern Telangana. The crop sown at row spacing of 30 cm recorded significantly higher seed yield than that of 45 cm and 60 cm spacing. Production and rainfall use efficiency and harvest index besides growth and yield attributes, galactomannan and protein yields, N, P and K uptake were also significantly higher at 30 cm spacing. Sowing of guar during first or second fortnight of July resulted in significantly higher seed yield than first fortnight of August sowing. Production efficiency, plant height, number of clusters plant-1 and protein yield followed the similar trend of seed yield. Negative relationship was observed between galactomannan content and sowing time. Though powdery mildew infection was higher in early sown crop and close crop spacing, higher plant population and biomass production resulted in higher seed yield of guar when compared to late sown crop and wider spacing.
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