Progresses in FAZIA detection system and preliminary results from the ISO-FAZIA experiment

In this contribution the status of the FAZIA project is presented, with a particular focus on the first experiment (identified as ISO-FAZIA) after the R&D phase. In this experiment four complete FAZIA blocks in a fully operating configuration were used. They were mounted in a planar “belt” geometry, symmetrically positioned with respect to the beam axis, covering the polar angles between 2.5◦ and 17.4◦ degrees. The investigated systems were 84Kr + 48,40Ca at 35 AMeV. The main goal of the experiment was the study of the isospin transport phenomena, extending a previous analysis. This contribution will report on the isotopic identi- fication capability of the FAZIA detector as well as preliminary results concerning the average isospin of the quasi-projectile produced in semiperipheral collisions as a function of the isospin of the target.
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