The Genome of M. acetivorans Reveals Extensive Metabolic and Physiological Diversity

The Archaea remain the most poorly understood domain of life despite their importance to the biosphere. Methanogenesis, which plays a pivotal role in the global carbon cycle, is unique to the Archaea. Each year, an estimated 900 million metric tons of methane are biologically produced, representing the major global source for this greenhouse gas and contributing significantly to global warming (Schlesinger 1997). Methanogenesis is critical to the waste-treatment industry and biologically produced methane also represents an important alternative fuel source. At least two-thirds of the methane in nature is derived from acetate, although only two genera of methanogens are known to be capable of utilizing this substrate. We report here the first complete genome sequence of an acetate-utilizing (acetoclastic) methanogen, Methanosarcina acetivorans C2A. The Methanosarcineae are metabolically and physiologically the most versatile methanogens. Only Methanosarcina species possess all three known pathways for methanogenesis (Fig. ​(Fig.1)1) and are capable of utilizing no less than nine methanogenic substrates, including acetate. In contrast, all other orders of methanogens possess a single pathway for methanogenesis, and many utilize no more than two substrates. Among methanogens, the Methanosarcineae also display extensive environmental diversity. Individual species of Methanosarcina have been found in freshwater and marine sediments, decaying leaves and garden soils, oil wells, sewage and animal waste digesters and lagoons, thermophilic digesters, feces of herbivorous animals, and the rumens of ungulates (Zinder 1993). Figure 1 Three pathways for methanogenesis. Methanogenesis is a form of anaerobic respiration using a variety of one-carbon (C-1) compounds or acetic acid as a terminal electron acceptor. All three pathways converge on the reduction of methyl-CoM to methane (CH ... The Methanosarcineae are unique among the Archaea in forming complex multicellular structures during different phases of growth and in response to environmental change (Fig. ​(Fig.2).2). Within the Methanosarcineae, a number of distinct morphological forms have been characterized, including single cells with and without a cell envelope, as well as multicellular packets and lamina (Macario and Conway de Macario 2001). Packets and lamina display internal morphological heterogeneity, suggesting the possibility of cellular differentiation. Moreover, it has been suggested that cells within lamina may display differential production of extracellular material, a potential form of cellular specialization (Macario and Conway de Macario 2001). The formation of multicellular structures has been proposed to act as an adaptation to stress and likely plays a role in the ability of Methanosarcina species to colonize diverse environments. Figure 2 Different morphological forms of Methanosarcina acetivorans. Thin-section electron micrographs showing M. acetivorans growing as both single cells (center of micrograph) and within multicellular aggregates (top left, bottom right). Cells were harvested ... Significantly, powerful methods for genetic analysis exist for Methanosarcina species. These tools include plasmid shuttle vectors (Metcalf et al. 1997), very high efficiency transformation (Metcalf et al. 1997), random in vivo transposon mutagenesis (Zhang et al. 2000), directed mutagenesis of specific genes (Zhang et al. 2000), multiple selectable markers (Boccazzi et al. 2000), reporter gene fusions (M. Pritchett and W. Metcalf, unpubl.), integration vectors (Conway de Macario et al. 1996), and anaerobic incubators for large-scale growth of methanogens on solid media (Metcalf et al. 1998). Furthermore, and in contrast to other known methanogens, genetic analysis can be used to study the process of methanogenesis: Because Methanosarcina species are able to utilize each of the three known methanogenic pathways, mutants in a single pathway are viable (M. Pritchett and W. Metcalf, unpubl.). The availability of genetic methods allowing immediate exploitation of genomic sequence, coupled with the genetic, physiological, and environmental diversity of M. acetivorans make this species an outstanding model organism for the study of archaeal biology. For these reasons, we set out to study the genome of M. acetivorans.
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