Results of postchemotherapy adjunctive retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in non-seminomatous germ cell cancer patients

Cisplatin-based chemotherapy is highly effective in non-seminomatous testicular cancer. Patients with advanced disease receive two to four cycles of poly-chemotherapy. Residual retroperitoneal masses after chemotherapy are suspected to contain active tumour tissue as well as mature teratoma. Therefore, a delayed retroperitoneal lymph node dissection remains necessary. A total of 123 patients with advanced non-seminomatous germ cell cancer underwent retroperitoneal surgery after two different regimes of cisplatin-based chemotherapy. The first group (n = 55) received a sequential alternating chemotherapy with Adriamycin/cisplatin and bleomycin/vinblastine (8.5 ± 5 cycles, 1979–1985), the second group (n = 60) got a standard PEB scheme (cisplatinum/etoposide/bleomycin; 5.7 ± 2.1 cycles, 1985–1991). Eight patients got other cisplatin-based combinations. All patients received adjunctive retroperitoneal surgery. After a mean follow-up period of 72 months, the patients treated with the sequential alternating scheme showed a survival rate of 50% (27/54, 1 patient lost to follow-up). After the PEB scheme a survival rate of 79% (46/58, 2 patients lost to follow-up) was found. 86% of the patients with retroperitoneal necrosis after retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (RPLND; n = 58) survived with no evidence of disease, as well as 82% of the patients with adult teratoma (n = 18). Only 47% of the patients with residual active carcinoma after RPLND (n = 47) survived within a follow-up period of (median) 72 months, despite further chemotherapy after RPLND. Residual tumor burden and type of histology after RPLND can partially predict the clinical outcome. A necrotic specimen in RPLND could not be predicted by any means, so that surgical removal of a residual retroperitoneal mass after chemotherapy remains necessary. Standard PEB chemotherapy is superior to sequential alternating chemotherapy.
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