PENGARUH ASSET GROWTH TERHADAP HARGA SAHAM DENGAN STRUKTUR MODAL SEBAGAI VARIABEL INTERVENING (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Pada Tahun 2014-2017)

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of asset growth on stock prices with capital structure as an intervening variable in the consumer goods industry sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014-2017. This research uses quantitative methods with secondary data. Sampling in this study uses a purposive sampling method in the consumer goods industry sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2014-2017 with a total sample of 31. Hypothesis testing of research uses a path analysis test technique with assistive devices. SPSS application version 17. Based on the research, the results showed that asset growth has no effect on stock prices and capital structure cannot mediate the effect of asset growth on stock prices on consumer goods industry sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2014-2017 . Keywords: Growth Asset, Stock Price, Capital Structure.
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