A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology

Table of Contents. Notes on Contributors. Introduction [to follow]. Part I History of Technology. History of Technology Thomas Misa, University of Minnesota. Definitions of Technology Richard Li-Hua, Newcastle Business School. Western Technology Keld Nielsen, University of Aarhus. Chinese Technology Francesca Brey, University of Edinburgh. Islamic Technology Thomas F. Glick, Boston University. Japanese Technology David Wittner, Utica College. Technology and War Bart Hacker, National Museum of American History. 2: Technology and Science. Technology and Science Don Ihde, Stony Brook University. Science and Technology: Positivism and Critique Hans Radder, University Amsterdam. Engineering Science Louis L. Bucciarelli, MIT. Technological Knowledge Anthonie W. M. Meijers, University of Technology and Marc J. de Vrie, Eindhoven University of Technology. The Interplay between Science and Technology Bart Gremmen, Wageningen University. Instruments in Science and Technology Mieke Boon, University of Twente. Social Construction of Science Harry Collins, Cardiff University. Social Construction of Technology Wiebe E. Bijker, Maastricht University. Theory Change and Instrumentation Joseph C. Pitt, Virginia Tech. Biology and Technology Bill Nuttall, Cambridge University. Nuclear Technologies Bill Nuttall, Cambridge University. Engineering Design Peter Kroes, University of Technology. Cybernetics Andrew Pickering, University of Exeter. Chemistry and Technology Helge S. Kragh, University of Aarhus. 3: Technology and Philosophy. Introduction: Philosophy and Technology Val Dusek, University of New Hampshire. Semiotics of Technology Robert E. Innis, University of Massachusetts Lowell. Critical Theory of Technology Andrew Feenberg, Simon Fraser University. Cyborgs Evan Selinger, Rochester Institute of Technology. Simulation Evan Selinger, Rochester Institute of Technology. Technology as "Applied Science" Robert C. Scharff, University of New Hampshire. Technological Artifacts Peter-Paul Verbeek, University of Twente and Pieter E. Vermaas, Delft University of Technology. Technical Practice Bart Gremmen, Wageningen University. Technological Pragmatism Larry Hickman, Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Hermeneutics and Technologies Don Ihde, Stony Brook University. Analytic Philosophy of Technology Maarten Franssen, Delft University of Technology. Technological Rationality Lorenzo C. Simpson, State University of New York. Phenomenology and Technology Iain Thomson, University of New Mexico. Expertise Evan Selinger , Rochester Institute of Technology. Imaging Technologies Don Ihde, Stony Brook University. The critique of the Precautionary Principle and the Possibility for an "Enlightened Doomsaying". Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Ecole Polytechnique. Technology and Metaphysics Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Ecole Polytechnique. Large Technical Systems Erik van der Vleuten, Eindhoven University of Technology. Sociotechnical Systems Maarten Franssen, Delft University of Technology. Information Technology Luciano Floridi, University of Oxford. 4: Technology and Environment. Technology and Environment Mary Tiles, University of Hawaii. The Precautionary Principle Andy Stirling, University of Sussex. Boundary-Work, Pluralism and the Environment Jozef Keulartz, Radboud University Nijmegen. Global Warming Sir John Houghton, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research. The Reinvention of CO2 as Refrigerant for both Heating and Cooling Jan Hurlen, Shecco Technology. Environmental Science and Technology Mary Tiles, University of Hawaii. Agriculture and Technology John R. Porter, KVL and Jesper Rasmussen, KVL. The Built Environment Christian Illies, Technical University, Eindhoven. . 5: Technology and Politics. Technology and Politics Evan Selinger, Rochester Institute of Technology. The Idea of Progress Daniel Sarewitz, Arizona State University. Technology and Power Daniel Sarewitz, Arizona State University. Technology and Culture Lucien Scubla, Ecole polytechnique. Technology Management Richard Li-Hua, Newcastle Business School. Technology Strategy Richard Li-Hua, Newcastle Business School. Technology and Globalization David M. Kaplan, University of North Texas. Technology Transfer David M. Kaplan, University of North Texas. Technology and Capitalism David M. Kaplan, University of North Texas. The Politics of Gender and Technology Elizabeth K. Kelan, London Business School. European Politics, Economy, and Technology Erik Jones, Johns Hopkins University. Asian Politics, Economy, and Technology Keekok Lee, University of Manchester. U.S. Politics, Economy, and Technology David M. Hart, George Mason University. Energy, Technology and Geopolitics John R. Fanchi, Colorado School of Mines. 6: Technology and Ethics. Technology and Ethics Carl Mitcham and Katinka Waelbers. Agriculture Ethics David M. Kaplan, University of North Texas. Architecture Ethics Warwick Fox, University of Central Lancashire. Biomedical Engineering Ethics Philip Brey, University of Twente. Bioethics Paul B. Thomson, University of New Mexico. Biotechnology: Plants and Animals Bart Gremmen, Wageningen University. Computer Ethics Philip Brey, University of Twente. Consumerism Edward J. Woodhouse, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Development Ethics Thomas Kesselring, Institut Sekundarstufe. Energy Ethics Kirsten Halsnaes, UNEP Riso Centre. Engineering Ethics Christelle Didier, Catholic University of Lille. Environmental Ethics Thomas Sobirk Peterson, University of Roskilde. Food Ethics David M. Kaplan, University of North Texas. Future Generations Jesper Ryberg, University of Roskilde. Genethics Nils Holtug, University of Copenhagen. Technology and the Law Richard Susskind, Gresham College. Media Ethics Deni Elliott, University of South Florida. Medical Ethics Soren Holm, Cardiff University. Nanoethics John Weckert, Charles Stuart University. Nuclear ethics Koos van der Bruggen, Leiden University. Religion and Technology Carl Mitcham, Colorado School of Mines. Technology and Personal Moral Responsibility Jesper Ryberg, University of Roskilde. Value-Sensitive Design Jeroen van der Hoven and Noemi Manders-Huits both Delft University of Technology. 7: Technology and Future. Technology, Prosperity and Risk Sven Ove Hansson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. World Risk Society Ulrich Beck, London School of Economics. Risk Analysis Sven Ove Hansson, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm. Prosperity and the Future of Technology William Sims Bainbridge, George Mason University. Converging Technologies William Sims Bainbridge, George Mason University. Nanotechnology Alfred Nordmann, Darmstadt Technical University. Energy Forecast Technologies John R. Fanchi, Colorado School of Mines. Biotechnology Jennifer Kuzma, University of Minnesota. Transportation Jonathan L. Gifford, George Mason University. Global Challenges Jennifer Kuzma, University of Minnesota. Chemicals Bruce E. Johnson, University of Nebraska at Omaha. The Future of Humanity Nick Bostrom, Oxford University. .
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