Plasmaspectrochemistry in material sciences

Plasmas as atomization and ionization/excitation sources have been used for more than 50 years. The term plasma spectrochemistry was introduced in the 1980s and is nowadays a topic of annual reviews and different conferences such as the Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry (held in USA), the European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, and The Nordic conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry. The development of advanced materials is inherently connected with improvements in analytical chemistry, and often is the driving force for method development in plasma-based spectrometry. Besides the determination of physical characteristics such as tensile strength, density, and conductivity, the investigation of their chemical constituents down to the trace and ultra-trace levels becomes more and more important and, therefore, the demand of sensitive and precise analytical methods is growing. In some cases, the determination of the average content is a sufficient result, for instance for the characterisation of raw material or waste management. However, lately laterally resolved analysis, depth profiling of layered materials and characterization of high purity materials are of growing importance. The aim of this article is to give an introduction into plasma spectrometry and its application in materials science. A theoretical overview of the used plasma techniques and a review on applications with a special focus on direct solid sampling will be presented.
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